Member Spotlight – December 2018

Name: Summer Smith

Current Placement: I am double placed on the following committees:

  1. Chair, New Membership Model Taskforce: This is a passion project for myself and the taskforce members who are all committed to changing the placement structure of our League to further our mission of developing the potential of women. We are excited to be part of shaping the future of our League and membership experience through this 3 year phased approach.
  2. Chair, Technology Ad Hoc: This Ad Hoc committee was born in the 2017-2018 league year when it was added to our League’s governance schedule. The purpose of this committee is to review our information technology systems for the coordination of system changes/updates in order to further support and streamline League work in the areas of fundraising, community outreach, and membership management.

Years in the League: This is my fifth year.

Why You Joined:

It was three-fold for me: 1) To get involved and be a part of an organization that would allow me to better know my community and other women working in Long Beach (check!);
2) To further hone and develop non-profit skill sets around public speaking and event planning (check!); and 3) To get out of my wife’s hair while she was going through her master’s degree program (check!).

What You Do Outside of the League: 

I work in the Legislative Department for the City of Long Beach and am the Chief of Staff for the Office of Councilwoman Stacy Mungo, Council District 5. Before that, and when I started with the League, I worked in non-profit management for a local organization serving youth in foster-care and probation systems. In my spare time I love camping, antiquing, Netflix binge-watching, and hanging out, caring for and being a general nuisance to my animals and wife.

An Interesting Fact You’d Like to Share:

I graduated CSULB with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Printmaking, which is a processed based form of graphic art that includes the techniques of woodcut, silkscreen and lithography.

One of Your Favorite Websites and Why:

It’s a tie between Ebay and Etsy, for the same reasons. Buying things second-hand or handmade makes my shopping experience feel more like a treasure hunt.